This past Sunday in the Lifetime Fitness Indoor Triathlon, which is a national race series that they are putting on in partnership with Ironman. The cool thing about this race series is that instead of any traditional distances, this race is based on time. So the way it breaks down is
10 minute swim
10 minute transition
30 minute bike
10 minute transition
20 minute run.
Distances are measured at each stage , and points are allocated base on how far you went compared to everyone else. So if there were 100 athletes, then the person who goes the farthest in the swim would get 100 points. second place 99 points, third 98 points and so on, for each stage.
When I heard about this race, I forwarded it to the Central Jersey Tri Club, and we actually managed to work with the organisers to get our own wave, so that the CJTC would be racing as a group.
Everything at the Lifetime Fitness we went too was beautiful. Great facility, from the lockers, to the 2 indoor pools, cycling studio, and massive cardio equipment room.
Here's how my race went;
Swim; 16 lengths, 50 points
In the 10 minutes of the swim, I managed to eek out 16 length. Ok, I'm slow, but having only swam twice since Princeton, it was good enough for me. I also grabbed 50 points (out of 97 athletes), so in truth it was right in the middle of the pack.
Bike: 10.3miles, 76 points
Just warming up |
The bike was done in the cycling studio. We had time to figure out our positioning prior to the race, so in the 10 minute transition we had to hustle over to the studio, get everything set up, and grab a quick warm up. With the sound of a bell we started. The hardest thing about this stage was the lack of air and apparent lack of proper air conditioning. It got HOT. And I'm a sweater (one who sweats, not a type of clothing). My strategy was to warm up for the first 10 minutes, push for the next 10, then take it a bit easier on the end to help my legs prepare for the run. I think I maybe could have pushed a bit harder but overall I'm pretty happy with my position among the field with 76 points. Video of the bike portion
Run; 2.71miles, 89 points
Overall; 215 points, 18th overall (tied for 17th technically)
WOOHOO! First race of 2015!!! |
After the race there was a complimentary massage/stretch table offered to athletes, along with some snacks and water. Really, I think everyone had a great time at this race and I personally would do it again in a flash. No medals handed out, but did I mention that every participant got to snag an awesome "I'm a Triathlete" shirt? Yup. Totally worth it
*All photos courtesy of
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