So it's been a while since the NY Marathon was a no-go, and I used the few weeks following as I had been planning to; relaxing, eating a bit too much, and recovering for the next season. With that done I've started to look forward and figure out what races I'll be doing, and how to set up my training schedule.
I had already signed up for the Mont Tremblant Half Ironman which is in late June, but I didnt know what to do before then. There are some smaller races in the area at the beginning of the summer, but nothing really major, so I started looking around at races to keep me busy, and I found the WINTERMAN!
This is a Somersault event that is actually right in the dead of the Canadian Winter. Race date is set in the middle of February, and offers various distances. Orignally, I was planning on signing up for the half-marathon distance, really just because I wasn't thrilled at having to spend so many training hours outside. After talking it over with some friends though, I got persuaded to man up and register for the full. Personally I think this is a better idea for me, since I know myself and I know that I wouldn't train as properly for a half.
As far as my training plan goes, I've begun constructing it based on the ideas laid out in Friel's "The Triathletes Training Bible", which accounts for periodization. It's a difficult plan to get exactly right, but thats kinda the point. Because as much science goes into the idea of periodization, it is also about how you feel during training. Basically I'm working off of a 16 week training period, but I haven't yet scheduled in other races that might occur during that period.
Also, my coaching with Team in Training continues, so until April I have at least two scheduled workouts each week. On my own I'm spending some time working on my biking using my trainer. It's amazing what a few weeks off does to your fitness.
Anyway that's all for now.
Keep Tri-ing!
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