Tuesday, 29 January 2013

2013: my Goals and SWOT

2013: my Goals and SWOT

I've been doing a lot of schoolwork lately, and so I figured the best way to go ahead and talk about my upcoming year is the way I would on any business report.

My overall goal for the year is to double the total distances that I bike/ran last year, and double the hours in the pool. Thanks to my handy dandy Timex Global Trainer, I know that last year I covered 453km of pavement, and wheeled my ass over 447Km. These numbers aren't totally exact, since I don't always run with my watch, but those are the numbers I'm using and I'll try to use my watch as often as I can.

I havent planned all the races that I'll be doing, but so far I'm registered for;

Winterman Marathon
Scotiabank Montreal 1/2 Marathon
Montreal Marathon
Mont Tremblant 70.3 Ironman
Cornwall Sprint Triathlon

I know I will sprinkle in a few half marathons and other triathlons here and there, but I dont want to make my schedule so rigid just yet.
The Winterman Marathon is coming up pretty soon (less than a month away!), and it has me nervous as hell. Not because I'll be spending around 4 hours outside in the middle of a Canadian winter. Not because the course involves running 8 2.5km switchbacks. Not because I know Ill have to drive back home with legs cramping. The scariest thing to me is that although I've kept decently fit, I haven't been running much. I feel like I've just been busy with travelling, holidays, sickness, blah blah blah, but I just haven't been training right. I know I can do half of it no problem, but I'm worried that the second 21km might be really tough for me.

Time for the SWOT
I consider myself a decent runner
I have confidence from having completed a number of endurance events

Weaknesses (oh boy this is gonna be long)
Need to improve hill climbing (both on bike and run)
Swimming isn't that great
Diet needs to be improved
I don't get enough sleep

I've got a pretty fixed schedule so I just need to plan myself better
I have friends who are into endurance sports as well who might train with me
My girlfriend is recently also health-conscious, will help motivate me

Unexpected schedule interruptions
Family Events
Delicious food

Gotta say that after writing it out, I see how much room I have to improve. but know that I have time in the future to do it.

That's it for now!
Keep Tri-ing!


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